Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I didn't descend upon his book bag like a ravenous vulture on the last day of school, although he told me that he had brought the entire contents of his desk home in it. No, I waited, in the shadows like a stealthy thief until he was properly distracted before I dove in.

There were math workbooks. There were science packets. There were sheet upon sheet of (gasp!) actual completed work from the last few weeks of school. There was a handwriting notebook, and an invitation to a 5th Grade Graduation Party for next week - I wonder how long that would have remained in there, ignored?

There were gadgets and do-dads. There were smelly pencils and erasers in the shapes of undersea creatures purchased at the school store without my knowledge.

And then there was the JOURNAL. The journal was filled in after each weekend as a writing prompt and an I-need-you-to-be-quiet-right-now activity while the teacher organized all that needed organizing on those chaotic Monday mornings.

Most of McRae's journal entries read like this: Saturday was awesome! We had a barbeque and my friend and I battled on Super Mario Sunshine. I won. Then, I took my dog for a walk and he got really dirty in a mudpuddle. Oh well! That was my excellent Saturday!

As I skimmed his journal entries, looking for the word "mom," something caught me eye. Something in parentheses (who knew that he would have an affinity for using those, it's a mystery).

Sunday was fun too. It was Easter Sunday! The Easter Bunny (my mom) didn't hide eggs though. I think it was because of the dog. But, I got lots of stuff like Legos, chocolate, that kind of stuff. And those were cool. So you can see, that was my fun Easter.

What? He knows that I am the Easter Bunny? How did that happen?

More importantly, what else does he know about?


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh that must feel so strange to know that he figured you out and then didn't say anything (probably not to hurt your feelings!) Bless!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

You've been outed! I bet he's on to the toothfairy gig too.

flutter said...


The Mom Jen said...

I wonder all the time if my almost 5th grader "knows" but won't say anything since the presents would stop coming!

Queen of the Mayhem said...

I hate when they figure stuff out on their own....AND WORSE...when they don't tell us about it!

Beth Cotell said...

Busted! Wonder how long he has known! And I guess he probably didn't mention it to you because he didn't want you to be disappointed that he knew.

Family Adventure said...

I love that they don't tell us once they figure it out. I mean, how long are we both going to keep the charade up!?!?

Happy summer!

Heidi :)

musingwoman said...

When I was a kid, once I realized my mom was the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny and Santa Claus were quick to follow. *sigh*

(Also, I went to rent August Rush last night and they were all out!)

Beth from the Funny Farm said...

Haha.. how sweet! My son made me cry over a journel he wrote in third grade. He wrote that he hopes he wins $50 someday at a barrel race. He has now won thousands. And he wrote in there about me teaching him how to ride. It was amazing stuff. It is a treasure.

Our Crooked Tree said...

I think the question is, do we want to know what they really know?

Valarie Lea said...

Hmmm he is a sneaky one :) He is not telling that he knows so he can still get the good stuff.

But really he would still get the good stuff, because the younger ones might catch on if he did not get anything good like them.

Anonymous said...

My daughter just finished 5th grade too, and I keep wondering what she knows about the Easter Bunny, Santa, etc...but she's not the type to report that to me, and I'm afraid to ask, frankly! lol

BTW-- I LOVE the title of your blog!

painted maypole said...

if that's the worst of it you're doing pretty well! ;)

Anonymous said...

My son (just finished second grade) just confronted me on the beach last week about this. I didn't do a very good job of lying. I'm not a good liar. I'm pretty sure he knows there is no Santa now. I suck.