Saturday, August 01, 2009

Love In It

You can wax poetic till the cows come home about how wonderful being the mother of sons is. You can tell me that they will always love their mama, no matter what, and will defend her until the end of time. You can tell me that they, in all their sweet, sweet glory when they hand you a pile of worms and say, "this is for you, mama," are the cutest things ever.


When my daughter gives me something (anything, but mostly something homemade and containing lots of sugar, like the serving of no-bake oreo dessert she just presented me with), and says, "this has love in it," that THAT is not the most delicious, adorable, delightful and utterly cute thing you have ever heard.

You would be wrong.

Because it is.

And it has love in it.

(Okay, maybe it is not just a girl thing...maybe it is a 5 year old thing)


Carrie said...

that's so sweet!

Scatteredmom said...

Aw, so cute! :)

Give me chocolate and I'm your slave forever. (LOL)

Ashley said...


I tell you and you know...I love my boys. But my girl...its just something different. Her sweetness goes to whole different level.

McMommy said...

Awwwwwwww!!!!! That has to be the absolute sweetest thing I've ever heard!!

Jason said...

This is a great humor blog you have yourself. Found you from the Bloggess, and I would like to exchange links with you. I have a humor blog myself as you can see. Let me know if this is possible.


Kendra said...

That is so sweet! My son is just about to turn 6 (sigh... where did six years just go?) and he truly is so sweet. My daughter is only 17 months so her moments of sweetness are mostly things like not biting me. I look forward to desserts with love in them!

Joanna Jenkins said...

"this has love in it,"
I'm so happy I stopped by today. That's perfect :-)

Becky at lifeoutoffocus said... know they say that girls stay friends with their moms. i look forward to that.

Kristen said...

my almost 4 year old daughter brought a picture to me this morning and said "its full of love" and I thought of you and this story. they can be so sweet!