Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Could it Be?

Could it be that after my love affair with the darkness and the rain and the cold weather, I am ready for it all to end?

Could it be that although I celebrate and relish in all of the new accomplishments and the way he answered his taekwondo instructor in a deeper than usual voice, that I am afraid of my baby growing up?

Could it be that I haven't kicked as much hiney on my diet as I had hoped to by this time?

Could it be that I find it almost painful to watch my kids become more independent?

Could it be that I am not adjusting very well to daylight savings time and staying up way too late, not getting enough laundry folded and put away and leaving a stray dirty dish, or twelve, in the sink?

Could it be that I haven't dusted the tops of my very tall furniture in so long that I can't remember when the last time was and could it be that I desperately need to pull that washing machine that I have to persuade not to get unbalanced with each load out from it's position and clean the filth that lies behind it?

Could it be that I need to have my eyebrows waxed? And, um, other parts too?

Could it be that I need to drink more water?

Could it be that I try as hard as I can to remember to bring my re-usable bags with me to the grocery store and only end up remembering them half the time?

And speaking of shopping bags . . .

Could it be that I try not to judge people who leave their very small children with me as I am watching my own child practice taekwondo while entertaining my other two as those said people leave the building for more than 20 minutes and return with shopping bags and without ever saying a word to me?

Could it be that I am doing an awful job of getting my daughter to bed on time and last night she woke up in the middle of the night with a stuffed up nose and I mistakenly let her watch a little bit of "Dirty Dancing" with me and now she's asking me about all those men with their shirts off? I told her they were "hot." As in, warm.

Katie asked me how old I was yesterday. "34," I answered her. "Oh, then you're MY age," she said, "I'm 4 and you're 34 so we're the same!"

"Mommy, how old will you be after 34?"

"I'll be 35."

"And then how old will you be?"

"I'll be older than dirt."

Could it be that I am dreading my 35th birthday next month?

Ya think?


Her Bad Mother said...

It could be every single one of those things, for me. Every. Single. One. Plus, some random angst about pregnancy fat. You know, for fun.

Beth from the Funny Farm said...

Oh.. Parents can be so weird at times. I drove 3 kids to a basketball tournement and the parents just dropped them off... having no clue how they were going to get themselves to the game. They don't know ME from dirt!

35.. I understand.. I hated that birthday too. But honestly, I'm turning 40 in 9 months and I don't see it bothering me. At least, it doesn't right now! :-)

Beth Cotell said...

I am dreading my next birthday...39So take could always be worse! :)

Anonymous said...

Could it be that we were separated at birth? :)

Jane, Pinks & Blues

Kellan said...

I am right there with you on all these things - especially the dirt behind/under the washer/dryer - I can't even imagine all that filth, it's been so long!!

Don't dread 35 - you are still so young and beautiful and happy - it will be wonderful.

Have a good day - see you soon. Kellan

painted maypole said...

ha ha ha loved this

could it be that we have the same old move we love to watch when we can't manage to do anything else?

Ann(ie) said...

Take solace in the fact that I will always be a year and a half older than you my friend. *snif*

Anonymous said...

I'm with ya cousin! Turning 30 wasn't a big deal but 35 hit me hard. For different reasons than yours, granted, but it was still rough.

I love you... hang in there!

Mamacita Tina said...

35...pshaw...I'm older, and feeling it.

I'm with ya on the needing to dust and do dishes and laundry and wax...

...oh the list goes on.

Anonymous said...

okay, so i just read your comment from mrs. fussypants about being a "double L" on your forehead... and had to come check you out! you are so, SO, so funny! I'm lovin' it!

And if it makes you feel any better, in the South, when you get older, you're not "old as dirt". You just have developed "character." Now doesn't that sound nice...

Anonymous said...

Get out of my head. Seriously you are freakin me out.

I hit 35 a few months ago. It sucked - but not as much as I thought it would.

Cynthia said...

Oh Girl, you just gotta embrace it...It's all any of us can do. Get better!

Girlplustwo said...

that waxing nonsense hurts.

flutter said...

*schedules waxing appts*

no rueing 35, girl. YOU ARE FABULOUS

Unknown said...

I'm feeling the same way on so many of the points you described up there. 35 is nothing hun, live it up!

Arkie Mama said...

You just described the people at my gym. Only in my case, they leave their kids unattended in the whirlpool while I'm soaking in it. Great. So now instead of relaxing, I'm having to make sure someone's too-young children don't drown.

Me? I'm dreading 39. Which is a year away. But still...

Daisy said...

A dirty dish or twelve in the sink -- okay, that does it, I need to get offline and clean my kitchen. Then I'll really enjoy my blogging break because i will have earned it! :)

Anonymous said...

UGH.. I know where you're coming from.. I'm dreading my next bday too... 3-0.. please tell me it's not as bad as I think...
I think I need to get my rear off this seat and start cleaning my house..