Yes, I am spoiled.
Well, inside this cupboard, lies all my bathroom "stuff", or at least that is where it is supposed to go, according to my husband, who doesn't always do a stellar job making sure his deodorant finds it's way to his basket.
I keep everything of importance and necessity in there. Things like facial toner (how often am I supposed to use that again?), moisturizer, Q-tips, self-tanning lotion, perfume, bubble bath, extra make-up, hairspray, female "products", well, that pretty much sums it up. I also keep a box in that cupboard full of things not usually found in the bathroom, just to mix it up and drive my husband a little more crazy. There are a few stray keys, old prescriptions, jewelry and the random card that I just can't seem to let go . . . and my "Oprah" letter.

I was feeling sentimental, and courageous. The Oprah Show was asking viewers to send in stories about their "wildest dreams". According to this mama, who was likely watching a lot of Oprah and sitting on the couch as I nursed Katie, my "wildest dreams" were about getting my husband a new truck.
I emailed the letter at least four times.
And didn't hear a thing back.
September 19, 2004
Dear Oprah,
(It sounds like she's my best friend, doesn't it?)
My husband and I just celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary and daily, I am amazed that I am lucky enough to be living this life. All I ever wanted to be was a wife and a mother and my wonderful husband, Brett, has made all of this a reality for me.
We were high school sweethearts, married seven years after our first date. Our first son, McRae was born March 1, 1997. A year and a half later we welcomed a second son, Wyatt, into our family; and the birth of our daughter, Katie on November 6, 2003, completed our family portrait.
Throughout the past eight years, Brett has worked tirelessly as a Firefighter to give us a wonderful home. Together, we have juggled Brett's Firefighter schedule with my part-time job (I had job managing a coffee shop for a few years before Katie was born) so that one of us is always home with our kids and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Oprah, our family means everything to us and that is why I am writing you. Brett has been in the Fire Service for the past nine years and has earned numerous credentials as well as countless awards and the respect of his fellow Firefighters. He spends much of his "off duty" time supporting his co-workers serving as their Union President and giving them advice. He knows the Fire Department policies and procedures inside-out and backwards. He is there for each and every one of his Firefighter brothers, no matter what. And, to top it all off, he's a super husband and daddy who watches the kids so I can scrapbook with friends once a month!
So what can I do for him? For the past year, Brett has been driving his father's 1989 Chevy Pick-up truck as his primary vehicle. His Dad died from a heart attack last July while camping in Denali National Park and Brett "inherited" his truck. We will never forget my Father-in-law, but the truck, with it's peeling paint and maximum seating for one adult and two small boys, hardly compares to the big, shiny firetrucks Brett drives at work. He deserves his "dream" truck; one strong, shiny truck large enough to hold the entire family!
I write this letter 2 days before Brett is to be deployed by the American Red Cross to spend a minimum of 2 weeks in Alabama (it ended up being Florida) helping victims of Hurricane Ivan. He is using 2 years worth of saved vacation time to fly across the country to help strangers. I can't even begin to express how proud I am of him. All I can do is support and love him and assure him that all is well at home. If he knows that, he can do anything.
My husband is truly a Hero and although our kids are too young to really understand, I know that someday they will realize how lucky they are to have one of "America's Bravest" for a father. I am so lucky to have him as a husband and friend.
Please help our family fulfill his dreams.
I'm still waiting, Oprah.
So, anyone else have strange things they keep in their bathrooms? Huh?
Someone has obviously overlooked your letter on Oprah. It's truly deserving of recognition, or should I say your husband is. Who knows, something may happen when you least expect it.
Strange things in my bathroom? Hmmm, I have hair clips from high school (remember banana clips?) I know I will never wear again.
I'd forgotten all about banana clips!
The bathroom is a great place to keep banana clips! You can use them to keep your hair up while reading in the bathtub!!!
That Oprah is a bitch! Where's Brett's damn truck already?
I have a basket on the back of the loo which is a repository for all sorts of weird things... coupons, legos, pens...
i have paint in my bathroom.
tempera paint.
for the rarest of rare times when i let the children go balls to the wall painting on the tiles, themselves, the bathtub (just for fun) and then i wash 'em down.
no letters to Oprah.
though, I could use a new vehicle.
good luck.
i hope she responds.
what a lovely letter. how could she not write you back?
i would totally write you back, sister.
If I were Oprah, Brett would have his 3 years ago. :)
Oh, weird things...a shape sorter and humidifier. Does that count as weird?
What a great letter (and what a great man!). I can't believe Oprah never wrote back.
The strangest thing in my bathroom is dog toys. Not very strange, I know, but my little beastlet seems to think of the bathroom as his personal "watering hole". Rather than running to his bowl when he is thirsty, he hops in the tub and licks the spigot...leaving whatever toy he had been carrying around on the floor to trip me in the middle of the night. Nice.
I am loving all the funny things people keep in their bathrooms, thus proving to my husband that I am not crazy!
Keep 'em coming!
Oprah's crib is about 5 miles from my home. I'm going over there RIGHT NOW and she's GOIN' DOWN!!! I'VE HAD IT WITH OPRAH!!!
nothin' but a potty-trained hussie, that one is...
I just keep all my shark stuff in the bathroom.
great letter
Oprah! Why didn't you call?? She's a dream-crusher, that one.
It cracks me up that it was in your bathroom, but I loved the letter! Beautiful!
Sorry I haven;t been around keeping up with your life! I am trying to be better- I have missed reading and keeping up with you!
Oprah clearly has no clue!
You rock
Oprah is now on my "bad" list.
She never use to be on any before this.
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